Il Bello e La Bestia (13-10-20)

October 13, 2020 01:36:56
Il Bello e La Bestia (13-10-20)
Il Bello & la Bestia
Il Bello e La Bestia (13-10-20)

Oct 13 2020 | 01:36:56


Show Notes

Giuliano Leone e Silvia Teti in diretta sui 106.6 di Radio Rock dal Lunedì al Venerdì dalle 13.00 alle 15.00. Podcast del 13 ottobre 2020. Playlist woodkid - horizons into battlegrounds metallica - for whom the bell tolls pearl jam - spin the black circle r.e.m. - man on the moon bon jovi - do what you can u2 - heartland guns n' roses - there was a time steven wilson - eminent sleaze van halen - panama queens of the stone age - no one knows dead lord - letter from allen st. kyuss - green machine nirvana - drain you rage against the machine - testify Archivio Podcast di Il Bello e la Bestia—-> clicca QUI.

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