Il Bello e La Bestia (14-04-21)

April 14, 2021 01:42:37
Il Bello e La Bestia (14-04-21)
Il Bello & la Bestia
Il Bello e La Bestia (14-04-21)

Apr 14 2021 | 01:42:37


Show Notes

Podcast del 14 aprile 2021. Playlist dinosaur jr - garden korn - rotting in vain soundgarden - outshined pantera - walk garbage - the men who rule the world iron maiden - dtrange world ozzy osbourne - bark at the moon black sabbath - children of the grave misfits - where eagles dare corey taylor feat. izzy hale, scott ian, dave lombardo - thunder force guns n roses - garden of eden metallica - moth into flame faith no more - evidence greta van fleet - broken bells five finger that punch - house of the rising sun eagles - hotel california foo fighters - monkey wrench   Archivio Podcast di Il Bello e la Bestia—-> clicca QUI

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