Il Bello e La Bestia (12-08-21)

August 13, 2021 02:44:37
Il Bello e La Bestia (12-08-21)
Il Bello & la Bestia
Il Bello e La Bestia (12-08-21)

Aug 13 2021 | 02:44:37


Show Notes

Giuliano Leone e Silvia Teti in diretta sui 106.6 di Radio Rock dal Lunedì al Venerdì dalle 13.00 alle 16.00. Podcast del 12 agosto 2021. Playlist: jerry cantrell - atone aerosmith ft. run dmc - walk this way talk talk - life's what you make it a-ha - hunting high and low dire straits - romeo and juliet amyl and the sniffers - security duran duran - the chaffeur journey - don't stop believin doctor and the medics - spirit in the sky tears for fears - everybody wants to rule the world iron maiden - the writing on the wall kenny rogers - footloose the church - under the milky way u2 - an cat dubh sonic youth - youth against fascism wallflowers - the dive bar in my heart derek & the dominos - layla killing joke - love like blood descendents - ride the wild inxs - don't change cure - why can't i be you? michael jackson - beat it cult - rain dead or alive - you spin me round joe bonamassa - notches communards - you are my world sex pistols - god save the queen frankie goes to hollywood - two tribes genesis - land of confusion
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